Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guest Blogger on Larissa Explains It All

Back in November, my friend Larissa held a contest on her blog, a sort-of Price is Right, if you will. The winner received an opportunity to do a guest post on her blog. And actually, the surprise was that everyone who guessed was invited to do a guest post. I'm the only one who has actually done it so far. You can read it by clicking below.

Guest Post--Kids Say the Darndest Things

Please go support me, and Larissa by reading it. Besides, it's a really funny story.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! You did such a great job on your story! Thanks for the shout-out. I hope your rehearsals are going SUPER well - I can't wait to come and support you and see you! I've been reminiscing about our NYC trip lately and how I'm doing the 32-mile walk this year and how if you could do 17 whilst very prego, you would kick this walk's butt. And I bought my Newsies ticket yesterday...and I'll be going alone to that show. My family clearly doesn't have as good of taste as my friends:-)
