Friday, July 8, 2011

Channel Z at Daybreak Summer Block Party

Last Friday, my 80's band, Channel Z played a short, two-hour gig at a neighborhood block party in Daybreak. Not only was the gig outdoors, but it was also during daylight hours. Luckily, the weather wasn't too hot, so everyone could enjoy themselves.

This was a fun little place to play. We had several friends and family come who have never seen us play, and also got to play for a bunch of little kids. The kids loved us, and it wasn't long before they got their parents up and dancing too. Of course our songs are very nostalgic for the over-30 crowd. There were even a few grannies in the audience! Rumor had it, we had over 200 people there!

Initially, we had some sound issues. At first, I thought my ear receiver was cutting out, because sometimes I couldn't hear myself. But then I noticed people giving me strange looks. My mom came up and said that the mikes and speakers were cutting out.

All of our equipment was being powered by a generator, and when we turned our lights on, it messed with the power. Once we turned the stage lights off, we were A-Okay.

My sister made the comment afterward that she thought our sound was a bit unbalanced. She said either our mikes needed turned up, or the guitar needed turned down. She could hear me and Frankie Hollywood on our solos, but on the harmonies, she only knew that I was singing because she saw my lips move. She could barely hear Violette Femme.

Violette Femme

Since Violette is our newest singer, she is still learning how far away from the mike she needs to sing in order to be heard well. Plus in her defense, she was nervous because her very religious parents were there.

Also, even though we did a sound check prior to starting, we are usually able to go out past the speakers. However, this being an outside gig, during our sound check when Frankie went out to listen, his receiver had feedback, making it impossible to hear anyway. Hopefully we can make some adjustments before our next gig there.

There were a few people who didn't make it to our gig until after we had finished playing. Luckily, we were able to tell them we would be back at Daybreak September 30th.

Can't wait to get my figure back once the baby is born!

Our lead guitarist, Brokk Lobbster

Our drummer, Nikki Stixx
This was my last gig before I have the baby. I will take a few weeks off, so if there are any gigs scheduled, Violette will cover my songs. But I'll be back to rockin by our next set of gigs, which will be at.....Club 90!

This is a HUGE deal for us. We auditioned to play there clear back in December! They said they liked us a lot, and wanted to put us in their line-up...but then we never heard from them. Club 90 has a tendency to be booked out MONTHS in advance. They had a cancellation for August 5th and 6th, and gave us a call!!!

We know we will go over VERY well with their crowd. I mean, let's face it, the demographic of people there were in their teens and twenties when 80's music was popular. Plus the Club 90 crowd just LOVES to dance!

Well, folks, I'm having my baby in 3 days! I got a new laptop and we just ordered Internet service at home so I can keep in touch while I'm on maternity leave. I'll blog again next week when I have the time, between diaper changes, feedings, and naps.

Big Kiss!

1 comment:

  1. You're too close youre too far, make up your minds people! !! Haha!
