Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Adam

When I was growing up, my parents were divorced, which meant that my parents had to share us for Christmas. We spent the night before Christmas Eve, and all day Christmas Eve with my dad. Then my mom would get us the night of Christmas Eve, and all day Christmas.

We got tired of always saying, "the day before Christmas Eve," or "Christmas Eve Eve". One of us (I'd like to think it was me) decided to start calling it Christmas Adam, (because Adam came before Eve, get it?). I thought we were pretty clever, but apparently we aren't the only ones who call it that.

Every Christmas Adam, my dad would take us to buy our own stocking-stuffers. We got to pick out whatever toiletries we needed and wanted, such as shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, razors, shaving gel, perfume, and make-up, etc. Then, he would take us out to dinner, somewhere a little on the pricey side, like Olive GardenRed Lobster, or sometimes Benihana. It seemed that money was no object with my dad. We could order virgin daiquiris, and even lobster, or crab legs.

At night, he would tell us stories, or play his guitar for us. He often sang songs like, "Ticket to Ride,"  "Greenfields,"
"Summertime," or "Teddy Bear's Picnic." He composed each of us a song that he would play for us on the piano. We would often play hide-and-seek. In the morning, he would spend hours video recording us waking up Christmas morning, multiple times. We tried our best to "pretend" to be asleep, without cracking a smile.

During the day, Christmas Eve, we would usually go ice skating. My dad, would always ice skate with us, despite being very overweight. He didn't mind holding our hands, even if we accidentally pulled him down with us when we fell. Dad would also often take us to see a movie. Sometimes he would take us to see The Nutcracker. Other times he would take us on a carriage ride

My dad was a truck driver, and he had enough money to take care of his bills and expenses. I know he wasn't rich by any stretch of the imagination, but he spent hundreds of dollars on us every Christmas to make it special. After we became adults, we still spent Christmas Adam with my dad, even if we no longer slept over.

My sisters and I lost my dad in 2005, but we have continued to keep the Christmas Adam tradition alive, in honor of our dad. This year, we started the morning by seeing the Christmas movie, Arthur Christmas. My sister, Dreamer, didn't make it (she slept in), but me and Skinny's families saw it.

I really, REALLY, did not want to see this movie. I saw one trailer for it, involving an elf trying to keep Arthur from saying "Hello" to the audience. It was SO stupid, and I thought the movie would be too. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The movie was quite funny, and had some really interesting ideas about how Santa delivers the toys.

Next, we met up with Dreamer, and everyone went to Red Lobster for lunch.

Afterward, I took the babies home (I wasn't feeling very well, so I volunteered), while the rest of the gang went ice skating.

My nephew Chief, my daughter Spitfire, and my sister Dreamer

Skinny and Tank
I'm so grateful for the fond Christmas Adam memories I have with my dad, and I'm happy we can continue the tradition! Merry Christmas Adam, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome story and tradition! i had never heard of "Christmas Adam" before. so great that you can remember your dad like that each year. (and everyone has such great nicknames in your family!)
